Welcome To Clique Frens
Thank you for visiting my shop, dedicated to the clique and fans of the boys. I hope the handmade items I offer here can be reminders of great memories, fabulous friendships, and bring an overall smile to your face. Sometimes all we need is a little memento to help carry us through a tough day.
I’ve been making these items for the clique for a few years now. I take great pride and care in making each piece. Making them for you puts a smile on my face! All of the kind notes and feedback I’ve received means so much to me. Thank you.
Featured Products

- Fast Shipping – items are usually shipped within 2 business days, if not same or next day
- Real Confetti – all confetti items are made with actual confetti from attended shows
- 30 Day Warranty – items that need replaced can be done so within 30 days of purchase date
- Order Tracking – all orders are mailed via USPS with a tracking number
- Central Shipping Location – based out of Springfield, Missouri
- Satisfaction Guaranteed – if for any reason you are not satisfied with a product, simply mail it back in its original condition for a refund of the original purchase amount
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